While supporting change and transformation teams, I developed a specialism leading customer experience analysis and problem solving.

Experience gained working for major players in their markets here in the UK and in Sydney, Australia, over 9 years.


Blue-sky thinking concept mapping entirely new customer experience
[Points] All these layers will create the richest experience in the market… in our stores
Project spaces within the Innovation centre used for transformation projects

Specialist in Serving The Customer Better

Customer experience (CX) is especially difficult to see because it spans across multiple areas of a business, happens in the customer's minds, and it's often complex.

CX is where being able to easily and clearly see the invisible, or abstract, is a superpower.

Role & Scope

I work with management teams, or within project teams, with colleagues and/or other stakeholders. I lead investigations into the reality of how well the business is serving the customer. Based on the analysis, I identify and design solutions

  • As part of a project, or stand‑alone assignments
  • For all, some, or one of these:
    • Customer experience/journeys
    • Propositions, including own‑brand development
    • Market and customer strategy
    • Customer communications (Associated with journeys and/or propositions for example).
  • Answering a single question, or analysing a concerning area, channel or segment (customer, customer experience). Or the scope can be wider: customer, market, and/or communications strategies, and/or the entire end-to-end customer experience


  • Working on‑site, remotely, or using an optimal mix of the two
  • Using workshops, interviews, and engagement sessions to uncover reality
  • Combining multiple qualitative and quantitative insights into a single view – i) data, ii) behavioural research, and iii) real world information
  • My high collaboration, transparent, co-creation methodology delivers the clearest integrated view the business has ever had
  • External stakeholders and partners voices, such as suppliers and advisers, can be included as appropriate
  • All delivered in a form that makes management decision‑making easier

Customer Experience Services ↓

Blue-sky thinking concept mapping entirely new customer experience
[Points] We're sticking plasters over most things in reality
Project spaces within the Innovation centre used for transformation projects
[Points] The two sides to the story…

Customer Experience Analysis & Design Services

I'm self-employed and work on a contract basis. Below is an overview of tasks you could set me.

Note: (CX = Customer Experience)

Scope: End-to-end, multichannel, specific touchpoint/channel or anything between.

  • 'As-is' CX analysis (including mapping)
  • 'To-be' CX design/improvement
  • 'Could-be' CX design (blank canvas)
  • CX communications review (overlaid on customer journey)
  • General communications review and design
  • Support existing activity/projects by helping to articulate complex things, simply, whether for an internal or external audience
  • Work with a wide range of internal stakeholders leading/enabling/facilitating CX workshops, to support teams
  • Develop customer strategies and brand/value propositions
  • Strategic assessment against CX maturity model

The way I work helps when complexity is high, several disciplines / teams / silos are involved ( / differing views are entrenched), or there is low engagement. Customer experience often involves all of these things.

I'm used to engaging with all levels and specialisms within a business to form a broad view. I work well with both internal and external SMEs (Subject Matter Experts) where the most valuable knowledge often hides. SMEs tend to be at a level where they no longer know what they know… until someone asks them about it.

My background working on full business model transformation projects is invaluable in this area, because customer experiences are shaped by the whole business in one way or another. It's why the root cause of issues can be troublingly elusive.